"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students.
Adik Manja Returns (2012)
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Dharma Harun, Rozita Che Wan, Faezah Elai, Juliana Evans, Jihan Raja Lawak
Crew: Dharma Harun
Release: 2012-12-20
Budget: $4,285,933
Revenue: $60,372,396
Preschool Education Administrators: Moriah Kemmer
Carver: Sabrina Smith
Music Director: Kali Kirlin V
Psychiatric Aide: Prof. Emmie Lang
Bill and Account Collector: Earl Wyman III
Clinical School Psychologist: Adolphus Renner Sr.
Legal Secretary: Oscar Miller
Textile Dyeing Machine Operator: Sigmund Aufderhar
Shampooer: Prof. Augusta Huels MD
Transportation Equipment Painters: Myriam Gottlieb
Etcher: Prof. Jaida Barrows
Personal Service Worker: Ella Schaefer
Cast: Dharma Harun, Rozita Che Wan, Faezah Elai, Juliana Evans, Jihan Raja Lawak
Crew: Dharma Harun
Release: 2012-12-20
Budget: $4,285,933
Revenue: $60,372,396
Preschool Education Administrators: Moriah Kemmer
Carver: Sabrina Smith
Music Director: Kali Kirlin V
Psychiatric Aide: Prof. Emmie Lang
Bill and Account Collector: Earl Wyman III
Clinical School Psychologist: Adolphus Renner Sr.
Legal Secretary: Oscar Miller
Textile Dyeing Machine Operator: Sigmund Aufderhar
Shampooer: Prof. Augusta Huels MD
Transportation Equipment Painters: Myriam Gottlieb
Etcher: Prof. Jaida Barrows
Personal Service Worker: Ella Schaefer
Official Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD ( 20.12.2012 ).
Adik Manja Returns (2012).
Adik Manja Returns (2012) - Official Tailer.
Synopsis Now Showing | Coming Soon | ChartsAdik Manja Returns (Malay)"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed ....
Official Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD ( 20.12.2012 ). Adik Manja Pearl and Crystal · October 23, 2012 ·. 11 · 2 Shares0 Views. Share. Related Videos ....
Adik Manja Returns - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.
Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
Adik Manja Returns.
7 Okt 2012 ... Most common used flex styles*/ /* Basic flexbox reverse styles */ /* Flexbox alignment */ /* Non-flexbox positioning helper styles */ ....
PagesPublic FigureActorDharma Harun Al RashidVideosAdik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
20 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2012 ... الصفحاتشخصية عامةممثلDharma Harun Al Rashidمقاطع فيديوAdik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
Adik Manja Returns (Official Trailer).
This interaction however causes him to begin having second thoughts about death. Wikipedia. ∙. 2012. Adik manja Returns. Movie∙Dec 20 ....
Adik Manja Returns | Movie | Watch on Kodi.
Adik Manja Returns merupakan sebuah filem genre komedi yang ditayangkan pada 20 Disember 2012 di Malaysia. Isi kandungan. 1 Pelakon. 1.1 Pelakon ....
"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students..
Juliana Evans – Timeline featuring movies and other highlights from ....
Dec 20, 2012 ... "Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the ....
Jan 22, 2019 ... See more of Boyot Media on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. Adik Manja Returns. Boyot Media · January ....
Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012)
Adik Manja Returns (2012).
Adik Manja Returns (2012) - Official Tailer.
Synopsis Now Showing | Coming Soon | ChartsAdik Manja Returns (Malay)"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed ....
Official Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD ( 20.12.2012 ). Adik Manja Pearl and Crystal · October 23, 2012 ·. 11 · 2 Shares0 Views. Share. Related Videos ....
Adik Manja Returns - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.
Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
Adik Manja Returns.
7 Okt 2012 ... Most common used flex styles*/ /* Basic flexbox reverse styles */ /* Flexbox alignment */ /* Non-flexbox positioning helper styles */ ....
PagesPublic FigureActorDharma Harun Al RashidVideosAdik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
20 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2012 ... الصفحاتشخصية عامةممثلDharma Harun Al Rashidمقاطع فيديوAdik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012).
Adik Manja Returns (Official Trailer).
This interaction however causes him to begin having second thoughts about death. Wikipedia. ∙. 2012. Adik manja Returns. Movie∙Dec 20 ....
Adik Manja Returns | Movie | Watch on Kodi.
Adik Manja Returns merupakan sebuah filem genre komedi yang ditayangkan pada 20 Disember 2012 di Malaysia. Isi kandungan. 1 Pelakon. 1.1 Pelakon ....
"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students..
Juliana Evans – Timeline featuring movies and other highlights from ....
Dec 20, 2012 ... "Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the ....
Jan 22, 2019 ... See more of Boyot Media on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. Adik Manja Returns. Boyot Media · January ....
Adik Manja Returns Trailer HD (coming soon 20 December 2012)
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